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Copyright - Fair Use (Fair Dealing)  Notice

Lorry Living is a supplier of truck bedding. Images shown on this site are examples of customers bedding that they have had personalised for their own personal use. Lorry Living does not commercially benefit from the personalisation of any of our truck bedding items.


 Fair Use Notice: Images or video may contain copyrighted material, the use of which has not always been specifically authorised by the copyright owner.


 Fair Use doctrines have been adopted and adapted by many jurisdictions worldwide. Fair Use is an ever-evolving concept as technology makes the sharing of information easier and our world more global than ever.


In Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, legislators have provided for some very specific circumstances under which one may use someone else’s copyrighted material without requiring permission from the rights holders first nor raising any copyright infringement concerns.


Any images shown across our website are for informational purposes and have no market impact on the sales of HGV's.


If anyone has any concerns about our use of copyrighted material please contact us direct for a swift response.

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